La Transe
editorial design project
ERG Brussels
The book explores the state of trance from a perceptual and sensitive point of view.
Texts and images merge and confront each other, following the rhythm of the five cycles that make up a trance phase (such as my own conception of it) : induction, projection, creation, transition, (in)comprehension. 

The texts and most of the images were collected from various sources, such as blogs, anthropological research articles, videos of artistic performances, street dance or ethnographic films (as Jeans Rouch's Les maƮtres fous), and many other.
Each text or image has been selected according to an intuition. I felt they were connected in a way (I mean the energy sprayed by them) to the state of trance while looking at or reading them during my research process.

Most of the drawings that one finds in the book were made in February 2020 at the ERG school in Brussels during an initiation workshop to trance led by Corine Sombrun, an author and researcher who has been working hard and collaborating with neuroscientists for a decade to advance research on the cognitive trance state and its application in neurosciences.

These drawings have been realized by students who participated in this initiation.
They visually testify to an incandescent energy that one feels in this specific modified state of consciousness.

I have also included in this edition some of my own drawings, also made during a cognitive trance state.

The last part of the book, entitled (in)comprehension, represents the fifth and final cycle of the trance state. Here, I have grouped texts that tend to analyse the trance state in a historical, anthropological or theological way.

This book was produced as a result of a 3rd year bachelor project in the editorial design class.